Tailor´s Bunion - often associated with a misalignment of the little toe
Tailor’s bunion (misalignment of the little toe, „bunion“ on the outside of the foot) is, alongside hallux valgus, the counterpart on the big toe, one of the common foot deformities. Both hereditary and acquired causes play a role in its development, such as splayfoot and wearing „incorrect“ footwear.
Similar to hallux valgus, realignments are performed on the fifth metatarsal bone (e.g., Chevron or Scarf osteotomy).
Surgery duration: Approximately 30 minutes depending on the extent
Anesthesia: Regional anesthesia (foot block, optionally with twilight sleep) or general anesthesia
Postoperative Care: Suture removal after 2 weeks, 4 weeks in a foot bandage
Return to Daily Activities: Depending on the profession, after 2 weeks to 2 months